Landlords have expectations and the question is, are those expectations too high?
Landlords have expectations and the question is, are those expectations too high?Well, let’s look at the things landlords expect…firstly, they expect the letting agent to be a private investigator and know everything about the proposed tenant! Of course, landlords...

How To Rent Booklet Updated
How To Rent Booklet UpdatedFrom today there is a new “How To Rent Booklet” which has been updated and replaces the booklet from October 2015. You can find the pdf version of the booklet under the following link:...

Problem Tenants
Problem TenantsProblem tenants will always be out there, but there are certain steps that you as a landlord can take to avoid being caught out.Credit Checks Always carry out a credit check on prospective tenants, this way you can make sure that the tenant will be able...

Alarm Bells For Letting Agents Using 3rd Party Referencing
Alarm Bells For Letting Agents Using 3rd Party ReferencingI have already been telling agents to beware of passing over your obligation to referencing agencies and this is now reinforced by a judgment against Blue Sky Properties in Bristol County Court this week. The...

Written Tenancy Agreement
Written Tenancy AgreementA tenancy agreement is a legal contract that gives certain rights to both the tenant and landlord, setting out the terms and conditions of the tenancy. The agreement forms the basis of the landlord-tenant relationship specific to your client’s...
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